The offshore sailor’s dilemma

No I’m not talking about whether one eats fish & chips with vinegar (who does that) or tartar sauce (now we’re talking), rather what to do when conditions are borderline for your current sail plan. You know you could be faster with a bigger sail (or smaller) but you also know that conditions will change or gusts will be too much for your bigger sail. That’s a bit of what’s on my mind now. The small spinnaker is, well, small in the lulls, and just fine when wind picks up a bit. The big spinnaker would be great in the lulls but a bit too much in the gusts. There’s no good way out (that I know of), it’s all a compromise: protect equipment/be slower, wear equipment/be faster, maybe. And so, as Tom P says (thanks for helping with the batteries/Watt & Sea questions), it’s not a sprint! The small spinnaker is up, the small spinnaker stays up, hail to the small spinnaker! Greedy boat speed hoarder should relax and write a blog post!

Not a sprint?

I started thinking about this project in early 2018, while preparing for the SHTP. It’s 2.5 years old. All the mental energy was spent on getting ready, within budget (GFM update: thank you to three more donors to SF2SF: Raziel, Kiril, Ants; thank you, thank you!). At some point I cut the lines (no we didn’t really cut them; they’re with me here coz’, you know, I’ll be back), slipped under the Golden Gate Bridge, then again (I saw the picture Latitude 38 published of CaB setting off into the Pacific, that gave me goose bumps; also saw pictures of Luna and Joelle, and that made me long for a hug) and voilà! Changabang is sailing around the world (well, it’s really just around Marie for now). I can feel that all the what if questions that accumulated are now dissipating. It’s stressful to think about what to do if the boat sinks, to mentally rehearse for what could be done. This void is being filled by what I prepared for: a marathon sailing adventure. Six months or so of bumping over waves and enjoying the infinite pleasure of a sailboat harvesting the wind to go on and explore. Be an adventure. And as my French connection says: “Le succès du tour du monde est de tenir dans la durée”. Singer Gary White’d call it staying power, right? Not a sprint.

Random items

I’ll see if I can manage some numbers to put things in perspective as we move along. Here’s one: after 5 x 24 hours of sailing, considering a straight line course to where I was Monday 13:15 PST, we had a speed average of 8.2 kts. I’ll tell you something: it will go down 🙂 A medium size flying fish was sitting in the seat by the companion way; very still, he must have been contemplating the meaning of death. If you’re new to this blog, know that it started before I left, i.e. there’s a lot of reading material, if you care.

An attitude of gratitude

Hey, if you helped and I don’t mention you, it’s because it may come later. Skip! Man, where would this sailor be without Skip. He was my coach for the SHTP, became a friend, and when time permits he continues to share his wondrous experience and expertise. Check out his thread on the SSS (Singlehanded sailing society) forum if you have not. Very thankful to Rob T for having put me in touch with Skip. Thank you Skip for being so generous with your time. I wouldn’t be the same person without you. A light in the dark you are! Jackie! Or as Cree of BMC says: where would the sailing community be with you? She donated CaB’s pharmacy kit, put me in touch with Cree, offered me rides on her boat, nudged me when I needed to, and I would not have a boat card without her. Merci! Brian, of Pelagic autopilot, once again as he did during the months leading to the SHTP, offered his gear, expertise, and would always answer the phone when I called. Call him if you need an autopilot and don’t want to spend ten grands!

What’s next?

Well, try and get into a band of strong trade winds to get to Torres Strait, and figure out where to cross the doldrums. Stay healthy and feed that greedy bost speed hoarder! I said that I wasn’t committed until I am a 1,000 miles from land. Check, 1,150 and counting. I also said I wasn’t truly committed until I passed Torres Strait, because, you know, after that a U-turn is not really an option (not that it’s a great option now either). Onward!


It was our first Sunday in Changabang. Ups and downs today. Up: I had fun handsteering with the A1. Sometimes I have referred to Changabang as a whale because she’s big inside. And I’ve confirmed she sings like a whale too. The rudder emits a low tone at certain speeds. So far I think I’ve picked up 3 notes. Down: we had 4 broaches under AP (autopilot). The AP recovers and that’s that, but broaching is slow, so I switched back to the A5. It’s Monday now, I’m sorry I didn’t write more yesterday. I’m short on sleep, which combines with the accumulated stress of the preparation, the desire to succeed, the unknown of coming close to a hurricane, and leaving all my loved ones. I was so very anxious last night that I couldn’t sleep again. The day set me straight by putting to work! You can read about that on the tracker blog. I am doing a much better job of keeping a log this time around (compared with the race to Hawaii, when I kept none). I have a log for the charging of the batteries, a log for position/current condition/sail plan/etc, and a journaling log. It looks like we’re still doing good speed. I do look forward to a quieter ride in the future. This here is like being in a stripped down Porsche racing on backcountry dirt roads.

An attitude of gratitude, Inc.

Here are a few more companies who helped me with advise, good pricing and excellent products. There’s Etienne of ATN, Inc. He provided the mast climbing gear and the sock for the new spinnaker. There’s Sylvain of UK Sailmaker of San Francisco, who provided the new spinnaker. He also came to sail with me in the early days, when I was scared of big headsails. Without him I’m not sure if be flying a spinnaker right now. There’s Cree, Ruben and the whole team at Berkeley Marine Center. At BMC we hauled Changabang out of the water to apply a new bottom coat and most importantly, inspect the keel bolts and repair the keel to hull joint. Cree also provided a fiberglass repair kit and tongue/groove wood boards (to help repair a hull breach). I’m awaiting the invoice from the boatyard so … GFM 🙂 Thank you all for your support! P.S.: why a twofer? Sunday & Monday, two days in one post …

Still counting days

We’re into day 4. As I settle in this new routine, I looked at the video I posted right before sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge. I now see that I was fairly stressed out. In fact I was also tired because of two difficult nights before. I carried on this stress for the first two days. I now feel better, although I also realize how long this voyage will be, if it is to be successful. For now that is okay with me. Of course life on the boat is demanding. It’s always moving always noisy. And there are always risks involved such as hurricane Marie. There will be highs and lows and highs again! Such is life … This morning to help center my mind I did 5 minutes of Tai chi. Similarly I did a few push-ups and squats to keep the body moving. It is well known that sailors have skinny legs. I listen to music often. And I do spend a lot of time on my phone to communicate, run weather routing exercises, look at forecast, and generally check how certain boat systems are working.

A special note

Yes it takes a lot of strength to watch your dad or husband leave for such a crazy adventure as the one I have chosen. I am blessed to have these two wonderful women in my life. Joëlle is having to do some heavy lifting with communication management. And Luna is growing up a fine young woman. So this is just a special note to send my thanks to both of you. And to my mother, for whom this must also be a difficult transition. It’s all worth it.


I also want to say my thanks to the folks who donated to my GoFundMe campaign over the past few days. I know there are many causes and projects vying for your financial support, and so this is all the more especially meaningful to me. Marc, Daniel, Jacqueline, Keith, Shane, thank you!

Another note

I’m sorry but I do not have access to my regular emails, nor to my website management interface. So I do not see comments to Facebook posts, or to my blog posts, except what Joëlle finds the time to relay to me. The problem is that my communication tool at sea is satellite-based, and it has a very restricted bandwith capability. I cannot allow it to be bogged down with data to download because it plays such a critical role for me.

An attitude of gratitude, Inc.

Besides the help of many individuals, during the preparation of Changabang, I reached out to a few companies to help me with certain aspects of the preparation. I did not get sponsored per se. Most companies charged me for some of their services. But all of these were supportive, and more or less financially attractive. The only exception is APSU, who provides free of charge the necessary multivitamin to support a fully freeze dried nutrition plan. My thanks to Nick! PredictWind is also a great supporter, providing their professional package and the tracking system, free of charge. My thanks to Nick again (not the same). There’s Backpacker’s Pantry, from whom I acquired the freeze dried food at a fair discount. My thanks to Drew! There’s Hammer Nutrition, who provided a fueling plan, electrolytes and fuel drinks at a fair discount. My thanks to Ginger. More to come … There’s no particular order here, just in case your name hasn’t come up yet 😀


Ah, right! We’re sailing! I’ve got the big spinnaker up. Forecast was showing 12 kts of wind so I felt confident keeping it up for the night. Well, I’m seeing 16-18 kts! Let’s hope all is good until tomorrow morning. I saw a top speed of 13.5 kts. With swell and increased boat speed we surf often. We’re regaining the westing we lost when I gybed South, quickly! This may be a good thing as there’s a possibility that the remnants of Marie will move more West as ECMWF had forecast. That’s all for now. I’ll try to attach a picture later.

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