Yep, you read that right. I spent two full days to remove the new mainsail and replace it with the old Dacron mainsail. I’m being told it’s deep bellied so we’ll have to see how things look like out there. It’s some serious work to swap mainsails! Un-brick folded sail, remove batten caps, insert batten, close batten caps, remove active mainsail (many hours there), load new (the old) mainsail, re-rig everything, remove batten from old (the new one, do I have you confused) mainsail, fold, brick, etc, etc … I also took this as an opportunity to do a good cleaning of the batten cars, including filling them back up with ball bearings. Of course, many balls were lost in the battle (they are not captive). My wife came to help, which was really a blessing when re-installing those batten cars and folding/bricking the outgoing mainsail.
A few surprises were waiting for me of course: a batten packet is torn (this is for a partial batten so I hope we’re cool without it, until it gets fixed); the 1st and 3rd reef lines are now too short by several feet. And the new mainsail had 4 out of 6 battens damaged showing some electrical tape barely holding the shards together. I’m amazed I was able to pull them out with no problem.

Keep your eyes peeled
The other day, sailing up the Coast, I saw this.

Yeah, that’s the active backstay when going upwind. Notice how a pin has gone missing? Thank you to the previous guys for putting a safety dyneema lashing right there! I considered turning around; but I tacked, re-used the clevis pin from a block and we were back in business. I replaced it with a new clevis pin a few days later. I have no idea how this came loose. It was held together not by a clevis pin but a bolt and screw before.
Where are PJ and CaB?
The YB3i has arrived. So it’s on the list for more wiring work. Speaking of wiring, I’m struggling with the electrical setup. Or more specifically, I spend a lot of time researching how to get things setup, what is needed, ordering stuff bit by bit. I’m still waiting for parts/tools, and I’m sure I’ve missed more stuff. But, it is said, I must get on with this wiring as I need it in place for when we will install the hydrogenerators brackets.

What’s next then? Oh, I don’t know … Try to fly that MAXI spinnaker again?
Whoa! I am more and more thankful of how simple is my little boat. But Changabang is the perfect boat for you, is it not? Always something new to explore and fiddle with, always a way to go faster! faster! Thank you for sharing all this with us, Philippe! Now, when are you coming up this way? It should only take a few minutes.
There is indeed plenty to learn for me on this boat. Let’s chat offline about meeting up in the Bay. I don’t have plans yet. Suggestions?
Show of photo of the “after” temporary fix so we can see what it looks like
See here: