Shakedown cruise, day 2 afternoon

We hit our 126 40′ West turn around point. We’re on our way back home. It was not without a bit of drama.

First I decided to shake the third reef. As usual the lazy backstay was in the wrong post. In an effort to release I ended up tacking Changabang. And so I had to sort that out too. All was well, and a little later I went to the first reef.

I also lifted out the hydrogenerator as it was doing the rumbling noise that indicates that the batteries are full.

Then, when I tacked at the turn around point, I forgot to empty the ballast to port. A couple tacks later we were on our way. Less banging but still some, less wet but still some. We have about 16 kts on the beam. I’m still a little queasy and in my berth.

We’re a little slow as I should have another sail up forward. Maybe later …

Bye for now.

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator.

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