Changabang is still at Berkeley Marine Center. Two fittings were ordered for the V1; one of them was not the right part. So that’s back to ordering, shipping status. We may have an update tomorrow morning. The paint had not been left to cure enough before the boat was moved, so some parts need to be repainted; add more waiting time for proper curing. In other words, one more week is spent at BMC. I’m getting nervous.
I really want to leave sooner rather than later; I don’t like the idea of being in the Indian Ocean during hurricane season. Although October 4th is attractive, it doesn’t work well tide wise. If there’ll be enough wind in the early morning to cross the line and carry on, this could work. Slack before flood will be somewhere around 9:30 AM. After that we’ll start fighting a pretty strong flood current. October 11th does look more practical, with a light ebb current starting around 10 AM. Choices, choices.
I had been told that my two Watt & Sea converters would be here by now; instead they have been gathering French dust for the past 3 weeks. Maybe this will improve now. Knowing that we started setting this up many moons ago, this process has been painfully slow.
Good stuff too
I installed a second epirb as the old one just expired. I now have a total of 3 aboard, one being a friendly PLB donation by Ants.
Together with Jackie we went through the pharmacy kit, and I packaged it all this evening.
Cree (of BMC) put together a fiberglass repair kit, all neatly packaged in a bucket. There should also be a bit of tongue and groove wood boards. This would be to help repair a hull breach, and more.

I ran a routing yesterday, from San Francisco to somewhere about 1,000 miles East of Torres Strait. Of course, I understand how this is foolish: forecasts are only good for a few days. But it does give an idea of the possibilities.

And to close I’ll say that I’ve submitted my lease cancelation notice to the Pillar Point Harbor administration team. It’s happening!
I love that you see the GOOD stuff too!! love you.