Well, I’m sure glad this didn’t stay stuck somewhere in transit/customs: the WSSRC black box is here!

Now, this thing must be connected to power at all times, which is done through a USB plug, and it must have a somewhat clear view of the sky. CaB only has 2 USB outlets so that’s a bit of a problem now. I’ll need those USB outlets to charge my other devices (1 phone, 2 tablets, 1 music box, etc.). This means then another boat project to add a few USB outlets. Good thing I already did this! And I also bought a small power inverter; this is to charge power tools (oscillating tool, drill), possibly laptops (hopefully I won’t need them), and USB devices. I’ll just have to figure out how to wire this thing such that there is no risk of it being disconnected, which is more difficult than it seems as, on a boat, everything is up for grabs (literally). Since I may not cut the wire, I won’t be able to route it properly, and it will be hanging lose one way or another.
Changabang is still in the yard. I think (hope) the paint job is finished now. We’re waiting for the fittings for the port V1 shroud (we have the wire).
My daughter Luna and her friend Sierra arranged my food in bags of 16 days. Now it’s a matter of figuring out where to put them.
I scavenged an old Kevlar genoa to retrieve things that may be useful to repair other sails.
I went for a 12k run yesterday. Ok, I think that’s all I have to share for today. Well, if time permits, I’m thinking of maybe leaving Sunday 10/4, instead of 10/11.