Hello Blog!

It’s been more than four months since my last post. A lot of water has gone under the bridge, dirty water. There’s only so much I’d like to put out in the public but suffice it to say that (lucky me!) I had not suffered the kind of experience I went through over the past three months. I know, I know, third-world problems. I don’t mean to say that this was the worse of my life events but this one was just something I had not experienced before.

There’s nothing I can do about it, I’m on the pity potty. Well, more specifically, I’m working my way out. I’m also about $16,000 poorer and have little to show. See that’s what I’m saying … pity potty.

The Bang in Changabang

On March 23rd Changabang was driven on the submerged rocks of Point Cavallo, and I injured my back at the nav table. The boat was hauled out at Svendsen’s Bay Marine for inspection and repairs. The structure was inspected using thermal imaging equipment by Bill Trenkle. No structural damage was identified. The keel bulb needed to be repaired. The battery box inside the boat also needed repairs. All the work was done professionally. The yard took their time to do things right.

I had to re-assemble the cradle as otherwise I’d have been charged hanging fees. A deal was made with BMC (where the cradle had been “stored” since shipped from France) and another one with SBM (to keep it there).

Another poor job

Sadly after sitting out of the water for a week or so, I noticed that the bottom paint was cracking and peeling. This had already been happening in the water; it was not just a matter of the pain drying (it did accelerate the process though). What we discovered is that the previous painters did something wrong (could be the guy who prepared the boat for the RdR, could be the other yard I worked with, I don’t know and SBM was not keen to assign blame). There was some sort of soft layer between the hull and the paint layers.

I opted to have the yard strip out everything and apply three coats of epoxy, and two coats of paint. And just that blew up $10,000.

Engine love

With the boat out of the water, we changed the oil of the sail drive (also replaced the drain plug). Finally, I picked up Changabang last Saturday, motored out the gate, and sailed to HMB with the wind on the nose.

Alex pulled out of the partnership and the PacCup race. So, now, it’s a matter of figuring out what I want to do next. She’s dirty inside and out; there’s tons of gear hanging out everywhere at home. What will we do next, Changabang and I?

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator. http://pjsails.com/a-skipper-looking-for-adventure/

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