Things have started to add up on the maintenance list for Changabang. In a somewhat uncontrolled gybe the bungee cords preventing the running backstays from running wild broke. So we replaced that. We also replaced the bungees on the bow lifelines, which are used to temporarily secure the jib or other sails on deck. I took a skinny bath again to scrub growth on the waterline. But the bad news is that the jib halyard sheave is damaged, which is causing halyard chafe.

Why is it bad news? I can’t find one similarly sized! The outside diameter is 75 mm; the inside should be 16 mm but 18 mm is what I have; the width is 14.5 mm. I can’t find anything online that fits. Nothing. I can’t really use anything else because the pin that secures the sheave to the mast is custom as well.

There is actually another bit of bad news: something must have hit the hull because there is a 3″ narrow gouge in the hull below the water. I don’t think the wood is likely to be exposed or damaged but I won’t rest until we take the boat out of the water and fix this.
The liferaft is out for service, with a hopeful return end of October, another costly maintenance item.
A few weeks back we did the SSS Half Moon Bay Race, which was light air racing again. We arrived 90 minutes behind the J-120s, not exactly encouraging results. Oh, well …
Don Green at can replicate your sheave at a very reasonable price. I’ve had him make new sheaves for reefing lines in my boom. He is located in Virginia and was very responsive to my inquires.
s/v Ferrity
Thanks, Dennis! I made contact with Don who was indeed very responsive. Super helpful, thanks for the tip.