Latitude 38 reached out a few months ago to help them write up an article about our preparation for the PacCup 2024. Here it is on the front page! Link to the article online. Link to a PDF version.

Yesterday I spent time looking at the batteries in CaB. They are T82 Power-Tech Calcium-Lead batteries of 100 Ah capacity. They have a little indicator of “health” and all 3 show as green.

I looked at the charger and changed the charging profile to the saved profile for Calcium/Lead batteries, and let it run overnight. I also looked a bit closer at the battery monitor and changed the settings to better match what’s in place. This morning the charging current was down to 0.5 Amp with a floating voltage of 14.52 V, where I would have thought the charger would have dropped to 14.4V (as per settings). In any case, I’m hoping that I can now use the monitor to track amperage consumption and confirm how much capacity is left.

I also took a few pictures several weeks ago and identified that there is a battery isolator on the alternator charging path (Sure Power Model 1202; max alt amps = 120 Amd, CD Volt: 6-50, Grond Negative). I also identified the alternator to be a Mitsubishi A3TR0093AM (12V – 115A).