We continue to play a game of yo-yo between the High and the Low. What do I mean? Well, we get an acceleration from the Low, that pushes us closer to the center of the High, in lighter winds. We slow down, then the Low catches up with us again. We accelerate … You get the picture? On other news fronts I forgot to share this log page, which was turned a few days ago. We’re starting to see more ships on AIS, and on the horizon. It would seem the AIS alarm isn’t beeping anymore, so that may be one more for the list. All is well aboard, regardless of the fact that the last few posts attracted the attention of the “He’s going loopy” police! I heard Whital Stokes is about to launch his Open 50 SV Sparrow into a circumnavigation in a week or so. He’s one to watch as his experience matches his ambitions: svsparrow.com. I wish him fair winds and following seas, as I believe he’s going East. One more night aboard CaB in the bank. Routing still says arrival on 11/04 afternoon but that’s questionable. I hope you all had a wonderful socially distanced Halloween. Happy Sunday now.