I didn’t go sailing this weekend. Shame on me! In fact, I’ve not been exercising at all for several months now. Still, a few things happened this past week. A diver cleaned Changabang’s bottom and inspected the zinc anodes, which are both in a good state. The diver reported scuff marks on the keel edge and the rudder. Joe repaired the small tear in the Flying Fish spinnaker. I acquired a bilge pump, which apparently is now required by the Class40, as well as 50 feet of hose. It could come in handy if I suffer a hull breach.

I did visit CaB today and inspected the blocks and lashings. Everything seems to be holding up. Speaking of lashings, Saturday, I spliced 4 low friction rings, just for the fun of it. I’m not sure yet how I’ll use them but it was gratifying work.

We signed up for a two days/two legs race for 8/28-29. At the end of the first leg, we’ll have to anchor in Drakes Bay, about 22 NM North West of the Golden Gate Bridge. I haven’t anchored with CaB and I’m concerned about the process of dropping and weighing anchor, not to mention dragging it. The type of anchors aboard CaB doesn’t have a great reputation. If we are to anchor from the bow, as is usually done, we would have to figure out a way to protect the bobstay. Rigging the rode to make sure it doesn’t get stuck on anything is also going to be of concern. I don’t have a good solution to rig a snubber line either. I hope the conditions will be friendly. If it blows hard I may prefer going offshore and heave to. Time will tell …
PJ out.