In the shaker

This must have been the longest I’ve spent sailing non stop in the same conditions, healing constantly and being battered by the waves. I suppose at some time you get used to it, reluctantly. And that big boom, that loud crack, this startling double bang, well, they become part of the ambient sound. Still, I must retain an attentive ear for new noises, a small tick tick, a faint ding ding, as they all could be telling the story of misfortunes in the making. That’s why I don’t wear ear plugs, to stay in tune with Changabang, sonically, if you will. A boat speaks, and he who listens is “much the better off”. The only place were all this is somewhat bearable is in one of the bunks. So I vary things up by staying in the starboard bunk at night and the port bunk during the day. These are the safest places when the shaker is ON. As I spend 99% of my time inside the cabin, there hasn’t been many pictures opportunity. Things will calm down in a day or two, and the photographer may come out of his early in the season hibernation. I did snatch a few things as I went out to disengage the hydrogenerator. Referring to one picture in particular, I had high hopes for that little boy, and taking pictures of him in distant places. Things turned out differently so here you go, a nude for you. He also stands proudly atop the ship’s bell (a tiny one that is).


The good forecast of a week or so ago, which led me to skip Hawaii, is holding half of his promise of a quick return trip home. We should continue to see sailing conditions conducive to good progress, albeit uncomfortable, until Tuesday. Starting then forecast models disagree, but mostly there will be large if temporary patches of very light wind, zephyrs as Bruce reminded me. For the most part my future is set, as there’s only so much I can alter course anyways, and since it’s not clear yet where the best wind will be, I’m sticking with the current plan. The last PredictWind routing still shows home 10 days away … As it is it’s too early to say when I’ll be making landfall in earnest. I’m also not sure where that will be either as I’m still figuring out a temporary marina for CaB. I had hoped for South Beach Harbor but, mmmh, they want $930/month! Twice what I was paying at Pillar Point Harbor.

An attitude of gratitude

JoĆ«lle sent me a copy of the latest blog comments, and I wanted to say a quick thank you in passing for your encouragements and support. They go straight to the “stay strong” bank, and yield benefits for a long time coming.

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator.

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