
Ouch, things did not go according to forecast! Coming out off Pillar Point Harbor I had 15-20 kts of wind, a bit of a (well necessary) wake up call! It allowed me to save on fuel. Then the wind slowly decreased. The tacking practice/rehearsal was well worth it!

It’s still a go

It is not an easy call but I’ve decided to carry on. Routing does show that I should be able to skirt hurricane Marie to the North. I consulted a few friends in sailing, and made my decision. Time will tell! I’m now waiting on the East side of the Golden Gate Bridge, drifting with the incoming flood, with flies bugging me. And longing for yet another last proper meal. Let’s hope all this works out well in the end. Thank you to all those who supported me on my way to here. The list is long, I’m here all thanks to you. I’ll be back!

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator. http://pjsails.com/a-skipper-looking-for-adventure/

3 thoughts on “Waiting”

  1. Bon Voyage Philippe! I hope the country and the world will be in a better place when you return. You are an inspiration to all of us!

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