The latest update as of this morning is that Changabang is safely tied in Antwerp. Getting into the marina was delayed yesterday evening due to a lock being out of service. The delivery went really well; they sailed with 3 reefs in the main and one reef in the J1. The keys were transferred to the next skipper who will deliver the boat to the loading dock Friday.

I have received feedback from the delivery skipper about Changabang. So there are some good news: the boat is solid and not slow. And there are some not so good news: the aft ballast scoop is leaking; all on deck plastic needs replacing (sunlight does no good to plastic); the boat will need a serious cleaning inside (moldy) and outside (moldy too); the J1 needs some good maintenance work; some deck hardware needs adjustment. And that’s for the little that the skipper saw during his delivery. I feel like I’m in for a bunch of surprises when I’ll finally get quality time with Changabang.

Things are progressing well. And as usual cost items are showing up where none was expected, and budgeted items are more expensive than anticipated. Hopefully, in a week or so, the boat has been loaded and she’s on her way to her new home. It will soon be time to prepare for the San Diego landing.
Bravo Philippe
For the “List:” Radar swivel not functioning..
Good catch! When I climbed up the mast I noticed that the bottom of the radar swivel bracket was heavily rubbing against the mast, preventing any swiveling. It’s possible others have tried to fix the problem. For now, the radar is held in place with two lashings (my guess is that this was done to prevent it from being stuck in a position less desirable then somewhat horizontal). This may require a new swivel bracket.