Boat purchase update

It’s been over a month since my last post. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I said I would provide a weekly update. There is just not much happening for now.

I started researching and looking for boats in March 2018. It’s been over a year and a half. There are good boats out there but my budget is keeping them out of reach. I’m starting to feel like an armchair circumnavigator. Referring to my post about my odds, I’m growing concerned that I’m not moving from the first level (folks who say they’ll circumnavigate but don’t have a boat) to the second level (folks who say they’ll circumnavigate and do have a boat). And there are several additional levels thereafter!

In any case, another 8 Class 40 boats came on the market over the past 2 months. I guess it could be said that I’m monitoring the market. Once in a while, I get into a trigger-happy mood but so far I have been able to refrain from going down a path I don’t really feel good about.

There’s one small update: I’ve made an informal offer to a Class40 owner and he’s reflecting on it. If that doesn’t work out then I’m thinking of making a move on the one in New Zealand. The boat is out of my budget as listed so I would make a very low offer. If that doesn’t work out either then I think the Lucas 40 in France is my next stop. And if that doesn’t work out then I’m back to waiting.

While waiting I continue to make friends with the enormity of this project. It’s so easy for me to look at all the stuff that could go wrong that I’ve decided instead to think about all that could go well. And with that, I’m out.

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator.

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