The day continued as it had started. Changabang is getting spanked regularly on the bow and the stern. There’s not much to do in these circumstances. The most activity is seen when I move about to refill my water bottle, cook a meal, check things outside. There’s not much predictability to CaB’s movements in this large, somewhat confused sea. So every movement is slow and calculated to avoid being sent sideways. To illustrate I’m joining a graph off the accelerometer in my phone, during a queter session. The accelerations are not great but they’re always present, pointing in a continuously changing direction. My tether hangs off the companionway, and I have my harness on most of the time (I take it off when it’s night time and I’m trying to sleep); as I get out the cabin it’s an easy clip on habit now, making sure I’m always hooked to the boat. As the night approached there were a couple systems that caused the wind to back 20-30 degrers and to drop a bit. I ate my last bag of chips and I’m now munching through a Toblerone bar, which would have been a surprise sometime later in the challenge. But I guess the challenge is over, and I’m left with the clean up! I’ve started reading a little, of all things, a book about surmounting obstacles! I hear you’ve all started to think about Halloween. I wonder if I’ll still be at sea by then. Most likely so, approaching SF from a few hundred miles.
Friday night!