Good news

Thanks to the suggestion of Randall Reeves of the Figure 8 Voyage, I applied for a grant from the Ocean Cruising Club. If you’re into crazy projects, then do check Randall’s story. That is/was something! Such a bold accomplishment!

So, back to the grant, I put together a document to share my intentions, and asked for a bit of money to buy a spinnaker. I’m happy to report that the grant committee did see something worthwhile in my project. As a result I’ve been awarded a grant, which I will put to work in the next few weeks. My heartfelt thanks to the Ocean Cruising Club!

I also saw a donation to my GoFundMe campaign. So, on the topic of money, may I encourage you to help fund this project. You can donate online here. I know it’s not exactly the right time to ask for money; so I will just say that the other Belgian seeking to circumnavigate Earth did manage to raise a little over 5,000 EURO.

In other news, the winds off the Half Moon Bay coast have been very light. I’ve not been able to do much practice. Instead, I’ve been doing small boat projects, repairing things here and there, upgrading suspect hardware, identifying and purchasing spare items, etc.

That is all for now. Hopefully, next week, the wind will fill back in, and I’ll have a few videos to share.

Stay healthy.

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator.

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