PacCup inspection

Today we met with David H. our PacCup inspector. He did a thorough job at checking that we met the race requirements, and we passed! The past 4 months of work have paid off. This is a major milestone on our get ready list. There are a few more, not the least being two videos: one of a crew overboard recovery, and the other of us steering with a drogue.

A 72 inch Para-Tech delta drogue

I think I had taken the storm sails out of their bag a while ago but I just couldn’t exactly remember how they looked. There is the trysail, a large storm jib, and a smaller one. For the PacCup we’ll only take the large storm jib with us.

The large storm jib
The small storm jib

The new sails will soon be ready too. So things are progressing nicely.

Author: Skipper

Wannabe circumnavigator.

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