Look who I discovered today, still here after five weeks. Sadly, in the commotion of sail changes, later, I found she had passed. She received a proper burial at sea. I had high hopes to make friends, like Vitto Dumas made friend with a fly (check his book!). Almost home, so a mirror picture of our departure day! Foggy, ship traffic, signaled or not, kelp beds, crab pots, whales, sunfishes, reefs, what could go wrong, right? And I may get so close but so far, with wind being cut off, and me being short of diesel. Nail biting last 100 miles. Only 23 NM to go now. .
Stow away!

I would say a very successful shakedown! Well done and welcome home. I look forward to hearing about next plans. Please keep me in your mailing list. Philip
Welcome Back, Philippe…