We learned that a picture helps better determine if the mast is straight, and we discovered it wasn’t as straight as we thought. In an attempt to restore straightness, we eased the starboard D2, which helped, but it’s not perfect yet. So there will be more attempts: easing the starboard D1, taking on the port V1. And if that doesn’t do it then we’ll start from zero.

In the business of small jobs, we also mounted a holder for the Dan Buoy. I serviced the mainsheet and spinnaker sheet port cam cleats (all others had been taken care of already). The spring action wasn’t perfect. I also replaced the D shackle of the mainsail halyard block, which was showing signs of chafe (stainless steel chafing!). I’ve received most of what I need to continue the engine maintenance, so it’s a matter of finding the courage to go through that now. Last weekend we topped up the fuel tank and added a few additives (biocide, injector cleaner)
In addition to being our navigator, Alex is now also our Safety Officer, preparing us for our first round of inspection on 2/3/2024 with David H.
I sold the old standalone GPS for $100 on eBay so that was taken out of Changabang.